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What are the efficacy, functions and contraindications of Sophora japonica?

Sophora japonica is a common plant in life. It can be used as medicine and food, with a refreshing fragrance and high nutritional value. It is used to make food with excellent taste, and it can also bring many benefits to the human body. So Sophora japonica What are the efficacy, functions and taboos of flowers? Let’s find out together.

Efficacy and function

1. Cool blood to stop bleeding

Sophora japonica is cool in nature, bitter in taste, and returns to the liver and large intestine meridian. It can clear the heat of the large intestine, thereby achieving the effect of cooling blood and stopping bleeding. It has a good therapeutic effect on lower bleeding symptoms such as hemorrhoids and blood in the stool.

2. Antibacterial

Sophora japonica has a certain antibacterial and antibacterial effect. It can be used to boil water for drinking or mash the dregs of the medicine and apply it to the wound, which can prevent wound infection very well. At the same time, after 1-2 days of application, the local wound can be cured. Detumescence is cured.

3. Clearing liver and purging fire

As described in the first article, Sophora japonica is cool in nature and enters the liver meridian. It has a certain effect of clearing liver fire. Drinking Sophora japonica decoction can effectively treat red eyes, headache, dizziness and other symptoms caused by liver fire inflammation.


1. It is contraindicated for people with deficiency of spleen and stomach and fever due to yin deficiency without excess fire.

2. People with blood system diseases should take it with caution.

3. People with weak constitution, spleen and stomach venting, and blood heat due to yin deficiency but not excess heat should not take it.

4. It is not suitable for people with weak stomach and little food

5. Pregnant women should not use it

6. People with allergies should use it with caution.

The efficacy, functions and taboos of Sophora japonica are introduced here. I think everyone has a certain understanding. It can be seen that Sophora japonica brings many benefits to the human body. You can choose to use Sophora japonica to make some delicacies in your life. Taking it is good for your health, but you should also pay attention to its taboos to prevent some damage to your health caused by improper consumption.

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