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What are the effects and functions of longan tea? The 4 major effects.

Longan can be used to make tea. It can be brewed alone, or mixed with a variety of other medicinal ingredients. It can neutralize the advantages and disadvantages of longan tea and play a role in regulating and health care for our body. So what are the effects and functions of drinking longan tea? This article collects and organizes relevant content for everyone to understand.

——Efficacy and function of longan tea

1. Promote body fluid and moisten the lungs

Drinking longan tea reasonably can have the effect of moistening the lungs. It can moisten the mouth, throat and lungs, play a moisturizing role, and at the same time increase the secretion of body fluid, so that patients with dry mouth and tongue symptoms, so longan tea has the potential It is more suitable for people with the above problems to drink.

2. Enrich blood and Qi

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that longan is a good product for nourishing the heart, spleen, qi and blood. It is one of the blood-tonifying medicines. Modern pharmacological research has also found that longan contains glucose, protein and iron. These ingredients can promote the synthesis of hemoglobin in the bone marrow and promote Hematopoietic effect, so it has a good curative effect for people with blood deficiency and qi deficiency.

3. Relieve insomnia

Reasonable consumption of longan itself can play a role in calming the nerves, so longan tea can relieve insomnia under the effect of reasonable drinking, especially if it is mixed with lotus seeds, red dates and other medicinal ingredients, the effect is better, especially suitable because People with insomnia, palpitation, and palpitation caused by anemia drink it.

4. Beauty and beauty

Longan is a kind of food that is very suitable for women. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that longan is a nourishing product for women, so longan tea is also a tea drink suitable for women, because longan contains more protein, which can prevent the loss of original protein in women’s skin. It can relieve the effect, and it can also make women’s qi and blood better, and their skin color looks better, so it can beautify and nourish the skin.

This is the end of the introduction to the efficacy and function of longan tea. I hope it will be helpful to everyone, and it will help you drink longan tea more reasonably, and its positive effects will be beneficial to people’s health.

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